Photo by David Hansen
Exhausted and cold, nothing beats the warm sand for a young Laguna Beach lifeguard recruit during recent grueling training. Tryouts coming soon.

Lifeguards wear red suits and blue lips

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
January 13, 2022
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The ocean is cold in spring.

In Laguna Beach, the air can be 70 degrees in March, but the water is still cold — brain freeze cold. Achingly, throbbingly, numbingly cold.

And for the lifeguard recruits trying to swim their way into the elite summer program, there are no wetsuits. There is no miracle heat shield that cocoons them as they swim 1,000 meters in less than 20 minutes, which means every stroke gives way to pain, numbness, despair and back to pain again.

This year, tryouts start Feb. 19 and March 19 – when the water is coldest.

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“Cold water is part of it,” said Marine Safety Capt. Kai Bond, who knows that the water is not like in Hawaii, smelling of coconut and leis.

“When we have our training, historically, the water is not in the 70s,” he said, chuckling. “In a good year it will be in the mid-60s but this year, yeah, we were hovering in the high 50s.”

Not that he’s masochistic, but he’d rather the recruits learn in realistic conditions because ultimately, the training will save someone’s life. Besides, nature doesn’t stop for someone in need.

“Our conditions in the ocean are dynamic and we expect our employees to succeed in all conditions,” he said. “We want high-caliber people and part of being a high-caliber person is that they are able to withstand the elements and be strong in the ocean. Cold water is not the only thing. The wind is a factor, the surf is certainly a factor.”

You may wonder if there are ever times when the conditions are too gnarly for training.

“No,” Bond said.

And that’s why not everyone can be a lifeguard.

Out of about 100 applicants in a recent year, 48 made it through training, both male and female. Now they wait to see how many of the existing summer lifeguards return. In an average year, Bond said there are usually about 35 final openings — sometimes more, sometimes less. He won’t know until right before summer.

For more information about becoming a lifeguard, visit the city’s Marine Safety website.

It should be stressed that the recruits are always in safe hands. Bond said there are strict safety measures while in the water, including multiple jet ski patrols and constant supervision.

“Part of what we do is put people in an environment where they are uncomfortable, and maybe they are a little bit out of their element,” he said. “So that when they get into that situation when it’s a rescue they will be able to have that experience. The idea is to challenge them and make it difficult.”

The training is not all about the water, however. There’s classroom time and overall communication training.

“We look for incredibly driven people who are good in the water, who are great athletes, who have incredible study habits because there is a medical component to our academy and then to wrap all that up: a good communicator,” he said. “If we have employees who can’t communicate, then we’re in trouble. Communication is a big deal for us.”

Bond admitted that kids growing up in or near Laguna sometimes have an edge because they are simply great watermen. They’ve surfed or skimmed from an early age and are absolutely skilled in the water.

But that doesn’t always mean they would make good lifeguards. They may swim well but their study habits may not be great or they don’t take direction.

A continuing challenge for kids in this age range, 16-19, especially after the social impact of COVID, is clear verbal communication.

“Communication for them sometimes is new,” Bond said. “It’s a new skill that they have to develop. It’s fun to see them grow that way.”

Whatever Laguna is doing is working. Nowhere is it more popular to wear red. While some beach departments up and down the coast have trouble recruiting, Laguna is almost always strong.

Regardless of the numbers, for those new lifeguards who make the cut, they will still feel the goosebumps. You will know them by the dull blue pallor on their lips, hiding a smile.

  • Tryouts will be conducted at the Main Beach Lifeguard Tower.
  • Saturday, Feb. 19, 2022. All applications must be submitted by Thursday, Feb. 17, 2022 at 5 p.m. andSaturday, March 19, 2022. For the March tryout, applications must be submitted by Thursday, March 17, 2022 at 5 p.m.
  • The physical events portion will begin at 9 a.m. (sign-in starts at 7:30 a.m.) both days.
  • Marine Safety website.
  • Drink lots of fluid.
  • Do not try to bribe anyone.
  • If you see a shark, don’t scream like a tourist.
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