Photo by David Hansen
Hopefully, during its planning workshop, the City Council will figure out the city’s interminable traffic woes.

61 (or 62) issues for Laguna in ’24

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
January 19, 2024
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The Laguna Beach City Council held its annual planning workshop Jan. 19, an all-day scrum to prioritize the many issues for the year.’


No really, there’s a lot going on, and not all of it is mind-numbing.

Mayor Sue Kempf, using her best poker face voice, gave a sneak peek on the “Voice of Laguna” radio show with Ed Steinfeld.

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“We have like a list of 61 things that are on our list that we’d like to do. Of course, we can’t do all of them,” she said. (It’s 62 but who’s counting.)

Put Kempf in a room with city experts all day and she could probably easily solve 61 (or 62) issues.

Unfortunately, it’s not just Kempf.

“We have to see what the temperature of the council is and what the community thinks,” she said.

Officially, the agenda is loaded with a lot of carry-over projects. The full list is here.

Interim City Manager Sean Joyce has some suggestions for streamlining the agenda-making process overall. Hopefully, it will help trim about five hours off the normal council meeting time.

There are also some financial projections to wade through to level-set expectations.

After that, it’s 61 (or 62) issues or bust. Some highlights:

  • Coast Highway Potential Relinquishment
  • Caltrans Laguna Canyon Rd Improvements
  • Commercial Design Guidelines
  • Laguna Canyon Specific Plan Update
  • Downtown Specific Plan Phase II
  • Artist Live/Work Housing
  • Develop a Senior/Affordable Housing Program
  • Outdoor Dining Program
  • Promenade on Forest Concept Development
  • Art in Public Places for Village Entrance
  • Electric Vehicle and Charging Station Master Plan
  • Visions Zero Plan (road safety)
  • Main Beach Park Renovation
  • Finalize Parking/ Mobility Master Plan
  • Facilities Master Plan
  • LBUSD’s Proposed New Community Pool
  • Citywide Plastic Ban Ordinance

Woo-hoo, let’s do this.

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