National Geographic Fine Art Galleries
Photo by David Hansen
From faraway places to our own backyard, National Geographic has been capturing our diverse planet in ways that can only be seen to be fully understood.

A portal to a vanishing world

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
July 22, 2021

Think of it as 1,000 indelible words times your imagination.

Perhaps it’s not surprising that Laguna Beach’s National Gallery of Fine Art survived COVID-19.

Lions and tigers have a way of ruling their environment.

It should be said that the gallery is open by appointment only (for now) but we’ll take it.

We’ll take it because it’s the only way to walk through a door and get immersed by exotic photography. It’s the immediate impact that is National Geographic, master of the breathtaking moment.

Located at 218 Forest Ave., it’s more than just beauty that differentiates the photos. It’s the implicit story behind the shot. Modern photographers are sometimes criticized for using software as a crutch to accentuate their work. But when you are in front of a life-sized National Geographic photo, software is the last thing on your mind.

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