Photo by David Hansen
The city is moving forward to explore a possible public parking structure on the Laguna Presbyterian Church property downtown.

Hallelujah parking

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
May 19, 2022
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If something is proposed for a church, it has to be divine, right?

Maybe not.

After all, we’re talking about Laguna Beach. Specifically, there is hope that a new parking structure for public use can be built at Laguna Presbyterian Church.

Unfortunately, as cities go, Laguna Beach is not very religious, so the plans may not get a final blessing by city elders – or Laguna’s cranky residents.

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But is more parking needed downtown? Yes (unless you believe anti-car advocates).

Is the church location at 415 Forest Ave. perfect? Perhaps. It’s a tight spot, and traffic on Third Street is already heavy.

Is this a miracle for all of Laguna’s parking woes? No.

But it is pretty good, which is why the City Council (in a recent 3-2 vote) wants to move forward with baby steps, starting with soliciting design proposals. There’s still a lot to do – and many things can go wrong – but this parking project has the most potential since the Village Entrance.

Speaking of which, if the church plan falls through, the city-owned Village Entrance will remain the most logical location for a parking structure.

Which begs the question, what is the lesser of two evils, a church lot or a public lot?

Let the holy war begin.

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