Photo by San Shi Go
Another Laguna Beach restaurant is closing. This time it's San Shi Go.

San Shi Go to close

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
September 11, 2023
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They should have never taken that space. It was too big, and in a way, cursed.

San Shi Go will close for good on Sept. 17.

Like so many other Laguna Beach restaurants recently, economics eventually wins.

And boy, did they have some economics to fill. Located at 858 S Coast Hwy., the 5,000-square-foot, fortress-like space was just too much.

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Several have tried at that location and none have succeeded – previously Okura and Katsuya.

About the only thing that has lasted for any length of time in recent memory was the nightclub Hush. Remember that? (Actually, we have many fond memories of Hush but that’s another story.)

For now, it’s a sad ending for San Shi Go. They sent an email announcing the closure on Monday night. Before the relocation, it was a popular neighborhood sushi place at 1100 S. Coast Hwy. By most accounts, it was the best value for sushi in town with unpretentious, generous portions and a friendly atmosphere.

Alas, the last day to the public is Saturday. You better reserve now because chances are it will book up. Unfortunately, it will be too little too late to save it.

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