Photo by David Hansen
Another restaurant closes in Laguna Beach, Wild Taco. Will another one try this premiere spot? Probably. Will it last? Who knows.

Time to rethink the restaurant model

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
October 23, 2024
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But they still have beer on the counter.

Alas, the beer is warm because Wild Taco is closed.

With a name like “Wild Taco,” maybe they oversold it. It was a good name. But in reality, like most of the closures that have hit Laguna Beach in recent years, it came down to finances.

Few businesses in Laguna can weather the winter lull. It’s especially true with business concepts that are just a little off, or the location is problematic, or in the case of restaurants, the food is mediocre or overpriced.

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Some have figured it out. For example, Finney’s is killing it – always busy.

However, Laguna Sushi, The Wharf, Breeze & Brews, Cabana, Suenos and now Wild Taco, have closed, some for different reasons. But the list is long, and that’s just Ocean Ave.

Here’s the deal. Perhaps it’s time to rethink the formula. There’s a new sushi place going in at the corner of Glenneyre and Mermaid Streets (where Harley used to be). It’s too big for a sushi restaurant in Laguna, let’s be honest. I hate to throw negative energy out there before they’re even open, but I’m worried for them.

Instead, on the second floor of that large building, put a Topgolf, a shooting range, a go cart track. Anything.

Do a mixed-use approach.

Sushi cooking classes.

Something to diversify during winter.

Rents are high, parking is still parking, locals are saturated. And tourists are happy with practically anything.

It takes such a perfect blend of price, quality, and differentiation to make it work in Laguna.

Breaking the rule that there can never be enough taco places, Wild Taco was not it, unfortunately.

Maybe a deli will work there … with karaoke.

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