Photos by David Hansen
This sign is emblematic of everything wrong with Laguna's schizophrenic sign enforcement. Five years of despair, yet new businesses get smacked down.

Two-faced signs

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
May 5, 2022
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When Subway – excuse me, Subway Beach Café – tried and failed to open in downtown Laguna Beach recently, one of the many requirements would have been a new sign that adhered to strict rules and an overall “one-of-a-kind” design aesthetic.

Unfortunately, these standards are not applied to the other village of Laguna businesses that apparently have grandfather clauses which allow for eternal preservation.

In other words, once you kiss the ring, you’re golden. You’re protected. You are preserved for life. Sign rules don’t apply. Good design? Not necessary.

The city’s official sign rules, for those who care, say: “All signs shall be maintained in good condition for the life of the sign. Torn canopies or awnings, broken elements, faded or flaking paint, or similar evidence of poor maintenance are the responsibility of the owner to repair in a prompt manner. Signs not adequately maintained shall be considered nuisances and may be abated per Municipal Code Chapter 7.24.”

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Any leisurely stroll through downtown will reveal years of neglect. “Nuisances” abound. And yet, no one seems to care.

The old village is preserved, and that’s all that matters.

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