Photo by David Hansen
In its hey day, drag queen performances like this one from Twiggy D. Wharhol were common in Laguna Beach. What will 2022 bring?

Gay Laguna tries to emerge

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
January 27, 2022
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Laguna Beach’s iconic gay bar, the Boom Boom Room, closed its doors on Labor Day in 2007. It was, arguably, the end of clubbing in Laguna – gay or straight.

There was, at the time, Bounce (aka Main Street), but that too was losing its appeal. Why? Because the gay community had largely left Laguna for Palm Springs and other hipper areas.

But there is still life. Craig Cooley, who used to manage Main Street, is now president of Laguna Beach Pride, a culture organization established by the Laguna Beach LGBTQ Heritage & Culture Committee. He also has a “rainbow radio” show on Laguna’s KX FM.

Cooley admits that things have changed, but he’s hopeful there will be some kind of resurrection.

“It’s taken time to bring back what we lost,” he said. “We got kicked in the butt with COVID, like everyone else.”

For Cooley, and perhaps the larger gay community, it’s less about the past and more about embracing a new future. Reinvention comes more easily when you’re not afraid of change.

“Everyone wants to come back with a bit of a roar and with confidence,” he said. But he also knows that it’s not about quantity but quality: “Make Laguna gay again is not our mantra. We have to be inclusive.”

To that end, Cooley and the other board members of Laguna Beach Pride are busy planning activities and fundraisers for 2022. First up will be a bonfire at Aliso Beach on Feb. 19. For details visit their website.

Already the group has performed successful fundraisers for the Friendship Shelter and Food Pantry. Another fundraiser is planned for April. “We’re still alive and still persistent – and with a clear idea of what’s important.”

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