Photo by Mitch Ridder
No doubt fireworks are cool, especially when photographed by Laguna Beach pro Mitch Ridder, but who will win this year’s show battle, Laguna or Emerald Bay?

The battle of fireworks

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
June 29, 2023
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Every year there are dramatic fireworks scaring marine life along the coast, but in Laguna Beach there are two parties – one in the city proper and another in Emerald Bay, the stubbornly independent, unincorporated area north of town.

And every year, Emerald Bay wins.

If you sit strategically at Heisler Park or Crescent Bay, you can watch both. For years, it was obvious that Emerald Bay spent more money, which is not surprising because per capita they have more money than God.

Both groups hire the same fireworks company, Pyro Spectaculars in Rialto, which has been doing it for Laguna for over 30 years. Pyro also provides fireworks shows for many other locations throughout the country – more than 100 extravaganzas in Southern California alone.

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So Emerald Bay doesn’t win because they have a better vendor. It’s simply the money.

Laguna will spend $40,000 on fireworks this year, which is about its average. In other words, the show will be essentially the same show. It’s adequate. Occasionally, you might go, “Ooo.”

And then there’s Emerald Bay, which seems to purposely delay its show so it lasts longer than Laguna’s.

Every year, they throw in some new fireworks wizardry. A cool swizzly thing. Or something that crackles and pops. The booms are louder and the colors more saturated.

We tried to find out from an Emerald Bay insider how much they spend on their fireworks, but he declined to comment.

Maybe this year will be different. Maybe Emerald Bay will realize that upstaging Laguna Beach is not cool.

But it’s doubtful.

  • WHERE: Laguna’s fireworks show, primarily Main Beach looking north.
  • WHEN: Tuesday, July 4, 9 p.m.
  • The Monument Point area will be closed all day.
  • At about 5 p.m., the area of Heisler Park from Myrtle Street to the Rockpile Beach stairs at Jasmine Street will be closed to the public to allow for fireworks preparation.
  • Don’t even think about driving. Put on your comfy shoes and walk.
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