Photo by David Hansen
The flying bugs that save Laguna during a fire. This one is a Sikorsky S-64.

Laguna has only one fear: fire

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
September 15, 2021
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If there is an existential dread among Laguna Beach residents, it is the fear of fire.

With summer over, other cities move on, believing fall and winter act like a natural shield.

But not Lagunians. The worst fire in the city’s history occurred in late October when the Santa Ana’s kicked up like the devil’s wind.

The reality is there is no such thing as a small fire in Laguna. Every fire is dangerous because it can quickly get out of hand.

And most often, it starts in the canyon, which immediately closes to traffic in both directions. Within no time, the planes and helicopters are in full force, dropping bright-red fire retardant like magical, candied sugar.

Residents gather in safe zones and compare notes, some telling stories of the bad one in 1993. People pause to watch as a plane banks hard to maneuver through the hillside. With each streak of dusty red retardant, it’s as if a salve is applied to every old burn.

And the burns run deep.

Former Laguna Beach Mayor Bob Gentry remembers when his house burned down. Years later he recalled the fear and the choices he made.

“I was frightened, I was nervous. I hadn’t faced this kind of situation before,” he said.

He and his partner lost practically everything, like so many others, including an extensive art collection. It forced him to rethink his priorities. He realized that he did not need as much stuff. Life was lighter and more meaningful with just a few quality choices.

He replaced one piece of art with a painting of the fire by a local artist because he felt it was important.

Your house is destroyed by a fire, but you rebuild and christen it with a painting of the fire.

You are not only forgiving the fire but allowing it to hold a place in your home. Framed, it’s the only way you can contain it.

You control it now because you never let it control you.

There’s no such thing as a small fire in Laguna. For residents who experienced the big fire, there is this unspoken expectation that it will happen again. The question is: How bad will it be?

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