Photo by David Hansen
Ready for the hate rallies? They are coming, like this one during the last election, because everyone loves Laguna Beach.

Laguna used as platform for hate

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
July 13, 2023
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You know the hate is coming.

This summer to a boardwalk near you, Laguna Beach will become a troll platform because it pushes all the right buttons: historically liberal, rich, educated and attractive to media.

Activists from everywhere and nowhere will arrive like decorated memes, carrying iron-clad points of view with no room for compromise.

They will come, guaranteed, because they come every year. And every year, it seems to get worse, especially if there are elections. Now, elections are perpetual.

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Unfortunately, the hate blueprint gets darker, with seemingly no boundaries. 

During the last big election, there were moments that were clearly unacceptable, but people just moved on, numb to reality.

For example, at Main Beach with an anti-KKK rally in full swing, a Range Rover drove by slowly with a young man in the back seat. The window was rolled down, so you could see he was wearing a Bass Pro Shops fishing hat and carrying the look of a good-ol’ boy wanting to start trouble.

He was the kind of kid you avoided in school – with a chipped tooth, quick temper and something to prove.

As if on cue, he leaned out of the window and gave a slow, deliberate Nazi salute, holding it high and firm with a glib smirk for the entire ride across Main Beach.

There will be others.

They will bring their weapons of hate because they seemingly hate everything: feminists, transgenders, Independents, RINOs, conservatives, immigrants – anything outside of their sacred little intellectual circle. One wonders how long Laguna will remain free of violence.

At some point, fish boy will decide a fishing pole is boring, and he will graduate to something else.

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