Laguna Beach music producer Rick Conkey
Photo by David Hansen
It's unclear whether Rick Conkey ever stops, but we do know that he hasn't stopped promoting music in Laguna.

Laguna’s music man serves tirelessly

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
July 9, 2021
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The music scene in Laguna Beach probably would not be where it is without Rick Conkey. He’s tirelessly promoted local talent for about 10 years. Sometimes he’s been successful, other times not so much.

Either way, he keeps his glass-half-full demeanor on full display. With his infectious, quirky smile, Conkey would sell you a used car if it meant getting another band to play for one of his many gigs.

Lately, aside from his day job as the tennis coach at Laguna Beach High School, it’s been all about the Laguna Beach Cultural Arts Center, which grew out of BC Space after the death of legend Mark Chamberlain.

Long story short, Conkey hustles. With little fanfare, he tries to keep the arts center filled with activities: music, poetry, cinema, art, photography, theater. It’s exhausting just thinking about it – the scope, energy and whether people will show up.

Laguna often battles art fatigue, music fatigue, theater fatigue. On any given night, there are a lot of fatiguing choices.

So how does Conkey keep the faith? No one really knows, except the show must go on.

Adam Lasher is one of Conkey’s supporters. The “American Idol” contestant regularly performs in Laguna Beach.

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