Photo by David Hansen
Measure Q is a controversial proposal to require voter approval on a wide range of developments. The City Council and other groups are strongly opposed.

No on Q, again

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
September 22, 2022
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It’s called Measure QAnon for a reason.

Oh wait, Measure Q – close enough.

Laguna Beach is facing a bizarre, deeply flawed ballot measure that seems to be dividing the city at least 80-20. Opponents greatly outnumber the supporters of Q (at least according to scientific studies like random road signs and Nextdoor posts).

On the record, everyone who is anyone opposes Q:  

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  • The Laguna Beach City Council
  • Laguna Beach Police
  • Laguna Beach Fire
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • The Greeter
  • People at the dog park
  • A wedding party at the gazebo in Heisler Park
  • That guy on Main Beach with the metal detector

Honestly, it’s a boneheaded measure that should never have made it on the ballot in the first place. Officially, it’s called: An Ordinance Creating an Overlay Zoning District and Requiring Voter Approval of Major Development Projects.

The measure takes power away from our elected officials and forces the public to decide nearly everything. Already, very few things get done in Laguna. Can you imagine if the voters had to decide every new development?

“The voter approval requirement for such a broad range of projects adds increased risk and uncertainty to projects, for new construction and renovations, thereby discouraging investment in properties in the city,” according to the opposition resolution by the City Council.

The city estimates that millions of dollars would be lost.

Despite the initiative’s title, it’s not just “major” projects that would require voter approval, but smaller cumulative projects as well.

Senior housing, assisted living housing, and other mixed-use housing would also require voter approval, adding unnecessary time and expense for the most needed projects.

None of this makes any sense. There is already existing oversight that prevents rampant “major” development.

This initiative is a political play by no-growth fanatics desperate to halt any and all development in Laguna. The City Council is absolutely right to oppose it.

Vote no on Measure QAnon.

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