Photo by David Hansen
There really is no safe walking area in Laguna Beach -- except the pedestrian only zone on Forest Ave.

Pedestrians run for cover

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
December 2, 2021
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You need running shoes if you walk in Laguna Beach.

While pedestrian safety has gotten better, it’s still a bit like bumper cars.

From 2018-2020, according to the California Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System, there were 41 crashes involving pedestrians. About 60% of the time, it was the driver’s fault; 30% the pedestrian, and 10% not listed.

And where were the pedestrians at the time of the crash? About half of the time they were in a lighted crosswalk at an intersection. Most of the time, it’s daylight but 40% of the time it’s dark, even with streetlights.

Contrary to popular belief, most pedestrian accidents happen in the non-summer months. More cars hit pedestrians from September to December than from May to August in Laguna, according to police records.

So what does all this mean? While Laguna’s numbers are improving (especially with the new lighted crossings and the downtown intersection modifications), it’s still sketchy. For a community its size, Laguna consistently ranks in the top 10 most dangerous walking cities in the state.

Driver’s don’t pay attention, pedestrians don’t pay attention. So accidents happen.

Don’t assume anything. Don’t feel safe at a signal. Red lights mean nothing.

Walk as if the car will not stop. Walk at your own risk. Welcome to Laguna.

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