Photo by David Hansen
The impressive set of “The Rainmaker” at Laguna Playhouse. The show ends Oct. 8.

When the actors shine

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
October 5, 2023
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Summer in Laguna Beach is nice and all, but fall is when things get more interesting.

It’s when the theaters wind up.

Stifled because of COVID, live theater is finally hitting its mark – and you should probably enjoy it while you can. Unless people go, regional theater could very well just go away.

But for now, every week brings an opportunity for emotional connection.

We went to “The Rainmaker” at the Laguna Playhouse and while we weren’t blown away, there were some touching moments. The acting was solid, and the set was great. If you want to go, you better hurry. It ends Oct. 8. For more info and a list of upcoming shows, visit the Playhouse.

We are also heading to “The Shape of Things” at No Square Theatre this week. It only runs until Oct. 15. For more info, visit No Square.

We’re also looking forward to “Legally Blonde The Musical,” at No Square, for obvious reasons. We have fabulous visions of “Rocky Horror Picture Show,” but that’s just us.

It’s hard to throw any stones at theater right now because of the extreme hardship over the last few years. So put on some decent clothes, pony up some cash (less than a restaurant dinner), and enjoy something live and different.

Theaters need the attendance. “Rainmaker” was just over half full for a Tuesday – maybe not horrible. But the demographics were typically Laguna, which means they started at about 65 and went up.

Where is the next generation? The next three generations? We don’t know but start with the show lineups. Some look like a Hallmark moment, and not in a good way.

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