Photo by David Hansen
Right now, the Promenade on Forest Ave. is a mishmash of randomness. But not for long. The city is asking for help to create a more interesting permanent solution.

Your task: Smile and design a promenade

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
August 11, 2022
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Strap in, hydrate, bring late-night snacks: A large Laguna Beach public project is underway.

The goal? Create a permanent design for the Promenade on Forest Avenue.

The first step is getting public input with a workshop on Sept. 15, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Community Center, 380 3rd St.

By way of quick background, everyone (mostly) agrees that the closure of lower Forest to traffic was a good thing, but the red horse-fence parklets are not great. The city did its best under the circumstances and budget to make the street pedestrian friendly. But a few flowerpots and benches are not cutting it.

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Now, the fun part starts.

Do a quick search on innovative, world-class pedestrian streets, and there are thousands of great examples.

The challenge for Laguna residents will be this: Do we put down our swords long enough to work together and make the Promenade a truly signature statement for Laguna Beach?

Imagine if we harness all the city’s creative energy, its brilliant innovators, leaders and doers. The Promenade could be stunning. Breathtaking. Awe-inspiring.

Before the public workshop, spend a minute and fill out the city’s initial survey on the new Promenade project site.

The timeline for this work is somewhat aggressive. By next fall, the city is hoping to have a final design in front of the Planning Commission. It could be done, easily.

The real challenge will be with the public politics. Will cranky groups fight instead of help? Will there be unnecessary lawsuits? Will there be heartburn instead of joy?

Almost certainly.

So maybe it’s time to exclude the public. Given Laguna’s intransigence, let the city staffers and elected officials do their jobs. Have urban design consultants submit their proposals. Best design wins. Project approved. Done.

Laguna becomes a true world-class destination, despite its residents. No? Then step up and contribute something cool and useful. The Promenade awaits.

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