Photo by David Hansen
Lagunatics is a guilty pleasure. The show runs Fri-Sun, until Oct. 13, at No Square Theatre.

Lagunatics expertly reveals our faults

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
October 3, 2024
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Lagunatics is often called “community therapy,” and some might say we enjoy the self-flagellation.

The long-running parody of all things Laguna is like our alter ego, and somehow we never tire of it. It is a reflection of us, good and bad, which is why year after year it is so poignant.

The show itself is always brilliant, outdoing itself with the production and creativity. For all the humor, barbs and show tunes, there is a not-so-subtle slap on our collective wrists. 

Will the many jokes about traffic, tourists and goats ever ring hallow? Doubtful. Why? Because we like it like that.

“One trip to Ralphs can take all day,” belted Rufino Cabang in one number. “Laguna is ours, go away.”

It’s funny because it’s a shared lament. And as every year goes by without traffic fixes, 

Lagunatics proves that we would rather laugh at our own caricature than cry. 

The theme this year, after all, is “Laughing Matters.” The show runs Fri-Sun, until Oct. 13, at No Square Theatre.  

The adulterated musical numbers are always catchy and fun, but we also like the one-liners. They are usually snuck in the dialog almost as asides, but if you listen closely, they really serve as punchlines.

  • “Let’s see what fresh hell our city council is up to now.”
  • “We need a lot more coffee shops.”
  • “I don’t crap in your yard.”
  • “In a rage, I fish slapped him.”
  • “The beach looks like a gay bar.”

Out of context, of course, they’re not as funny. But you can imagine.

The question now is can we imagine a time when we’re not laughing at traffic, tourists or goats? Probably not. It’s become both nostalgic and prophetic.

Lagunatics will always be the benchmark for our reality.

So much truth that it hurts to laugh. 

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