Photo by David Hansen
It's a swirling, devilish portal to Hades. OK, maybe it's just a cool nature thing. Regardless, the Blowhole of Laguna entices the brave to dive in and hope for the best.


By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
July 5, 2021

It’s a bit like skydiving but underwater.

The Blowhole is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you probably won’t do because it’s scary as hell. In order to successfully conquer it, you must have a mix of fearlessness, bravado and insanity.

Like skydiving, before you jump your pulse quickens; you think about backing out, and you worry about dying. But rest assured, there’s no documented death at the Blowhole — yet.

Usually, the people who do it are teens or young adults because they still carry the right amount of wrong. They don’t have kids of their own, or mortgages, or easily pulled hamstrings. They tend to preen while standing on the reef in their bathing suits, waiting for the perfect moment to time their dive into the portal of Hades.

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If you avoid the razor-sharp barnacle walls, the tidal surge will pull you down and out through the Blowhole quite effectively. You will emerge just a few seconds later on the other side as if reborn.

But while you smile at your peers and raise your fist in triumph, you won’t admit that you’re still quivering like a baby.

33°31'37.4"N 117°46'19.7"W

  • End of Cactus Point, between Pearl St. and Woods Cove.
  • Open year-round but best in summer when the water is warmer. Check the tides.
  • You can approach from the Woods Cove side, but it’s easier from Pearl St. during low tide. Go under Arch Rock, and you might get a little wet. (Note: The Blowhole is not safely accessible during high tide. The lifeguards will turn you away, and it’s just not smart.)
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