Photo by Lance Gerber
The next Laguna Art Museum’s Art & Nature installation will be held Nov. 2-5 on Main Beach, created by Cristopher Cichocki.

Coachella meets Laguna

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
August 24, 2023
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OK, this one should be good.

The Laguna Art Museum’s annual Art & Nature exhibit was revealed at the City Council meeting for approval, and the artist drawings are very compelling.

Created by the talented Cristopher Cichocki, who has performed massive, interactive projects around the world, the event will run from Nov. 2-5, on the sand at Main Beach. There will be a special performance on Nov. 4 from 7:30 -8:30 p.m.

Called “Rising Inversion,” it will be “a surreal illusion of a spherical arc of sand during the day (that) transforms into a phosphorescent spectacle after dark,” according to Cichocki. It will be 12-feet high and 32-feet long, made of foam, plaster, beach sand and magic.

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“The phosphorescent pigment absorbs sunlight to create a glow lasting throughout the night, facing inland toward the community,” Cichocki said.

And in case you’re wondering, the California Coastal Commission has already approved the project, so there’s no risk of having them ruin it, like they did in 2017 when they would not allow the LAM and artist Pablo Vargas Lugo to put a fake streetlight illuminating a splash of ocean 200 yards off Main Beach.

Anyway, this one should be worth marking on the calendar, as they all are. The LAM’s Art & Nature installations are always innovative and captivating. Check out past events and track this year’s details on the museum site.

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