Photo by David Hansen
The dark comedy “The Shape of Things” ends Oct. 15 at No Square Theatre. L-R: Griffin Glenn, Abigail Cox, Dane Hobrecht, Kristin Cortines

Finally, Laguna theater gets edgy

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
October 7, 2023
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If you think Laguna Beach has lost its edge, creativity or courage, go see “The Shape of Things” at No Square Theatre.

Seriously, go.

We went opening night and enjoyed an intimate, compelling production of the Neil LaBute play, directed by Ella Wyatt. There are just four young actors, Dane Hobrecht, Abigail Cox, Kristin Cortines, and Griffin Glenn.

It only runs until Oct. 15. For more info, visit No Square.

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Where else can you hear a song by Garbage? The soundtrack is awesome. It has to be in order to keep up with the dark humor and subversive storyline.  

The acting is genuine, clever and wrought with angst.

This is definitely not a Hallmark moment, thank the gods, so keep the little ones at home.

This is real Laguna – fearless, smart, unconventional, unpretentious, worldly, and maybe a little bit crazy.

We loved it, perhaps because we’ve been longing for more cutting-edge productions. Let’s face it, Laguna theater has become safe, with a few exceptions.

This is an exception.

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