Photo by David Hansen
The talented artist Elizabeth McGhee seems to capture the Laguna Beach Library’s malaise. A new petition wants the city to take more control and up its game.

Save the library … from mediocrity

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
June 2, 2022
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Seems other Lagunians are not pleased with the city of Laguna Beach’s plans to let the county run the library.

Rabble-rouser Billy Fried has started a petition to “Save the library … from mediocrity.” (And by “rabble-rouser” we mean kindred spirit.)

The question is, is it too late? Earlier this year, the City Council decided it wanted to purchase the land for $4.29 million, then sign a new 25-year lease with the county and let everything continue as is.

The problem is the status quo is not good enough. (See related Under Laguna story.)

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“The Laguna Beach Public Library is 50 years old and showing signs of wear and tear,” wrote Fried in his petition. “It has been run by the Orange County library system and left virtually unchanged since it opened. Now we have the opportunity to gain control of it and reimagine something great.”

Fried ran the numbers and said they don’t benefit Laguna.

“A lease that pays them $2.8 million a year at an operating cost of just $800,000,” he said. “That’s $2 million of our taxpayer dollars going to our wealthy neighboring city libraries. $50 million in 25 years.”

It’s no secret that the library needs a facelift. Plus, its amenities are falling behind its peers in neighboring cities.

“Shouldn’t we give the county a shorter lease to continuing operating it while we investigate the best path forward, including taking it independent and running it ourselves, like Newport Beach has done?” Fried asks. “They have built a modern, state-of-the-art learning center with huge digital libraries, media labs, a cafe and lecture series.”

Sounds like there is opportunity for something better in Laguna.

“This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to create a learning legacy for our future. Please ask the City Council to slow down and consider all options to make our library great again.”

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