Photos by David Hansen
In a semi-regular feature, here are some photos that try to capture the essence of Laguna Beach.

Unending Laguna beauty

By David Hansen
Editor, Under Laguna
April 21, 2022
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Here’s another installment of Laguna Beauty Pageant. I asked some friends of mine – professional Laguna Beach photographers – to provide one photo that captures the essence of Laguna. Several responded and we are posting them periodically. Here is another one by the indefatigable Mitch Ridder, who is not against lying on the ground to get the best shot.

The carousel has a few more of my favorites that I shot over the years. Enjoy.

Mitch Ridder

On a late October afternoon with a warm Santa Ana wind blowing offshore and sunset near, local kids grab their last waves of the day before heading home. Mitch Ridder:
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